Saturday, April 4, 2020

How to Learn English Through Online Classes

How to Learn English Through Online ClassesAre you one of the many people in the United States who need to learn English as a second language? Learning English can be difficult, but there are many different ways that you can find help with this issue.There are many ways that you can learn how to speak English and the most common way is by taking an online course. Here are a few ways that you can learn through online classes.One of the easiest ways to learn is through online learning. You can use an online learning program such as PowerPoint Live to do this. These programs allow you to speak and listen at the same time and the program will come up with a program for you to listen to. Many of these programs are free and are easy to follow, so you can begin speaking right away.Another option for online learning is through audio tapes. Many companies offer programs such as American Talk (DVD) that have different audio and video segments that you can watch and learn at the same time. Many people who want to speak English on an international level to use this to learn how to speak and listen at the same time. This method is great because it doesn't cost anything, so you can learn easily.Lastly, you can also find online learning through video or audio tutorials. These are an excellent way to learn to speak English because it helps you understand what you are hearing and you are not trying to remember everything that you heard.There are many ways to learn how to speak English, and using an online class is one of the best ways to learn. You can focus on any aspect of speaking that you are interested in and it will not take much time to learn. It is also a fun way to learn because you don't have to worry about other things while you are learning. English These are just a few options for learning English, but they are the best ways to learn. If you are one of the many people in the United States who need to learn English, then you can make a decision about which method of learning will work best for you. You can start right away, or you can save time and money and simply wait until you are ready to speak English at a conversational level.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Qualities to Look for in a Math Tutor

Qualities to Look for in a Math Tutor If youre struggling with math, know that you arent alone. Despite this knowledge of shared anguish, for students experiencing difficulty, a math test can be the most daunting thing in the world. Mathis difficult for many students, and often, they seek the help of a tutor. Finding a good tutor can also feel difficult, but if you know what youre looking for, it can be an experience well worth the time. So what qualities should you look for in a math tutor? Good communicator It may seem obvious, but it is important that you and your tutor be able to communicate well. This means more than just during the time when youre together youll need to be in touch at other times, too. Make sure that you find someone who is quick to respond to emails, phone calls, or texts (as long as your expectations are reasonable). If you can find a tutor that understands your learning style and is able to communicate the material, youve likely found a keeper. Patient Similarly, another quality to look for in yourmath tutor is patience. Math can be difficult to learn. Sometimes, it takes more than one (or two or three) times to get an idea firmly cemented in your brain. If your tutor grows frustrated, you will also be frustrated with the entire process. Find a tutor who is willing to explain a concept multiple ways to help you fully understand it. A natural teacher A tutor has to posses both the skill level and ability to relay information in order to successfully teach someone else. While it can be difficult to find someone that has both the math knowledge and the teaching talent, the search may be worth the end result. Passionate Often, the best tutors and students are those who are passionate about a subject. Look for a tutor that loves everything about math. Chances are, he or she will be excited to explain everything to you because he or she truly loves and enjoys the subject. Find someone who wants to share his or her passion for derivatives and integration with you, and youll likely both benefit from the relationship. Inquisitive Finally, look for a tutor who is asking the right questions. While you may enjoy the idea of someone who does the work for you, it is important that you learn to do it yourself. Find a tutor that provides encouragement along the way, but ultimately requires you to answer the question. Asking the right questions is crucial for any tutor and for you as a learner. As youre searching for a tutor, you may have to switch things up a time or two. Not every tutor and student will work well together, so dont feel bad about trying tutors until you find a good fit for you. Understanding the qualities to look for in a mathtutor can help you find your perfect tutor faster. Ask your own questions, interview tutors, and maintain your standards your math grade maythank you for it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Ways to Work Ahead in School

4 Ways to Work Ahead in School Although its tempting to spend winter break and any other bits of downtime you might have throughout the school year relaxing and not worrying about academics, working ahead on some classwork would benefit you in the long-run. This doesnt imply by any means that you need to devote every bit of free time to these activities, but implementing just a few strategies here and there to ensure you are always prepared could put you in a solid position for success later on. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Complete reading assignments in advance Certain instructors prefer that you read about a topic prior to the associated lecture, while others request that you complete such assignments after the topic has been introduced in class. For courses in which you are provided a list of readings in advance, it is advantageous to complete the assignments before the corresponding class. Doing so will allow you to familiarize yourself with the subject, increase your comfort level in lecture, and foresee which aspects of the topic will be most challenging for you. If you have finished the reading beforehand, you will be able to focus your efforts on comprehending the most difficult parts of the topic the day it is examined in class. You will also know which questions you should ask the teacher. Never underestimate the benefits of having extra time to think about these readings. Here are some great tips on how to interpret a reading assignmentthat you may find useful. 2. Re-read and re-write course notes Class notes are often recorded in a frenzied manner. You may find that the notes you wrote during lecture seemed perfectly logical at the time, but outside the context of the lesson, you discover they no longer make sense to you. Your notes may even be illegible because you had insufficient time to jot them down. For these reasons, it is very wise to review class notes the same day you take them. Do not wait until the evening before a test to look them over! By this point, you will have probably forgotten many details of the lectures, and you will not have adequate time to decipher what you recorded. You may also want to take a look at this study tip on how to organize your notes. If necessary, re-write your notes within 24 hours of the class. Copying your notes in a more understandable manner will save you valuable study time later. The other benefit is that you will be reviewing the subject matter during the process of re-writing. When you must study the same topic for your midterm and final, you will be very pleased with yourself for ensuring your notes are simple to understand the first time. 3. Reach out to teachers and take advantage of extra assistance Additional help is perhaps the most underrated form of test preparation. Reviewing for an exam can be overwhelming you dont always realize the bulk of information youve covered. Extra help sessions are frequently held and typically focus on the most important aspects of the topics involved on upcoming tests. These opportunities are a fantastic method to concentrate on the most difficult and/or significant content of a unit. Look at upcoming schedules and determine when and where you will attend one of these gatherings. Your attendance could mean the difference between two whole letter grades on an exam! A teacher wont usually devote a great deal of time to discussing a topic that you will not eventually be tested on, so you should be able to gauge what the assessments will contain. Attending an extra help session is hardly ever an experience that a student regrets. You may even want to consider consulting a tutorto help you as well, or even just sending the teacher an email or atten ding their office hours is a step in the right direction as well. 4. Pose multiple questions Asking questions is a superlative learning style. You should never feel embarrassed about asking for clarification in or outside of class, whether its because you truly dont understand or because you enjoy a subject and wish to discover more about it. Make sure you return to school ready to inquire about any concept you feel necessary! Asking questions demonstrates that you can think critically and have a desire to learn. It also increases your participation grade. While you may not remember every word an instructor utters during lecture, youre very likely to recall the questions that you asked and the answers that you received. Teachers love to see their students speak up and inquire; it encourages other students to participate, and it creates an atmosphere conducive to learning.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Sing and Play Ukulele in 4 Easy Steps

How to Sing and Play Ukulele in 4 Easy Steps Megan L. Learning to play an instrument is difficult enough, but what about trying to sing at the same time? Its really not as hard as it sounds! Here, teacher Willy M. takes you  through the steps to play the ukulele while singing It doesn’t matter what instrument I teach (piano, guitar, harmonica, drums, banjo, mandolin, ukulele, and voice), every student I ever have, with the exception of those playing harmonica, asks, “How do I sing and play my instrument at the same time?” The ukulele is certainly no exception. Learning how to sing and play ukulele  simultaneously  is a lot like learning how to pat your stomach and rub your head at the same time. Or is it pat your head and rub your stomach? I don’t know, but you get the idea it can be hard! So here are four easy steps to help you learn how to sing and play the  ukulele at the same time. 1. Practice singing  the entire song with  one chord and a simple strumming pattern First of all, your left brain controls your right hand. So if you are right-handed like most people and are approaching the ukulele, youll  handle strumming fairly well. But when you start forming ukulele chords with the left hand, your right brain kicks in  and suddenly you’re plunged into a chaotic world of trying to keep up while both sides of your brain are firing off stimuli and building synapses. And then you want to try to sing. What part of the brain controls that, the middle part? Suddenly, playing the ukulele becomes more like juggling than just strumming and playing. To make this process simpler, break it down into bite-sized chunks. All you have to do is hold down your first chord and sing along while strumming the main pattern of the song. You see little kids doing this all the time. They get an instrument and strum away, singing whatever song their little hearts desire. This really is the first step to learning how to play and sing. Its so simple that just about anyone can do it. Let’s look at a really simple song to help you get the picture. Below are the lyrics and chords for  â€œFroggie Went A-Courtin’.” I would suggest you check out Bob Dylan’s version of the song. Its a very simple tune with just three chords. This song is in the key of D. Try playing through the song and just play the D chord. Froggie Went a-Courtin’ D Froggie went a-courtin and he did ride, ah hah A7 Froggie went a-courtin and he did ride, ah hah D Froggie went a-courtin and he did ride, G                                                                   D             A7           D With a sword and a pistol by his side, ah hah, ah hah, ah hah 2. Practice singing the entire song  with two chords and a simple strumming pattern The second step to mastering playing and singing at the same time is to add in the second most popular chord in the song. If you are playing a song in G, and D is the second most popular chord, then the only chord change you need to worry about at this point is going from the G to the D chord. Practice the change several times until you feel comfortable with it, and then go for singing the song. When you play through the song this way, you give little thought to the strumming pattern or the G chord because you already practiced it (and you don’t really think much about the singing either because you practiced that too). You will find that lyrics you are unfamiliar with might throw you off a little, but the more you sing the song, the easier itll be to memorize the lyrics. If you need to take a moment and read through the lyrics, it should  help you when you sing. Now the only thing to worry about is changing chords from the G to the D. Once you learn the essential ukulele chords, youll be set to handle most songs. In the above song, the next chord that is popular is the A7 chord. Play though the song and add the change to the A7. 3. Practice singing the entire song with three chords  and a simple strumming pattern Now that you’ve mastered going from the first chord to the second chord, adding the third chord shouldn’t be too much of a struggle. If it is, just keep at it and go slowly over the parts that are hard for you. Repeat them several times until you have it down. Before you know it, you will be singing and playing most of the song with ease. I recommend learning various strum patterns, that way youre equipped for learning more songs. In “Froggie,” the last chord is a G chord. Practice through the song again and add the G chord while you sing and play. 4. If there are other playing techniques, follow the above practice routine Last but not least, there are often other elements of a song that are tricky. Does the song switch rhythm for a certain portion, perhaps the bridge or the chorus? Does the song require some complicated finger-picking patterns on a certain part of it? Are there other more complicated chords that give you some grief? Don’t worry, we all experience these things in our learning process. The key is to just keep working at the hard parts, adding a part at a time until you’ve mastered both playing the song and singing it. In the final run-through of the song, try adding all of the chords and maybe add some finger-picking to give yourself an extra workout! So there you have it four easy steps to help you play your ukulele (or any instrument, actually) and sing at the same time. I hope you find this helpful. What will really help you is having a qualified teacher walk you through how to break down the harder portions into smaller bite-sized chunks, and TakeLessons is the perfect place to get a teacher who can help you become the best ukulele player you can be! Once you have it down, try to sing and play some pirate songs on the ukulele! Post Author:  Willy M. Willy M. teaches guitar, ukulele, and mandolin lessons in Winston, NC. He is the author of the Dead Man’s Tuning series of mandolin songbooks, and is a former member of the American Federation of Musicians. Willy has been teaching for 20 years, and his students have ranged in age from young children to folks in their 80s.  Learn more about Willy here! Photo by Dorret Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How to Structure Your Childs Guitar Practice

How to Structure Your Childs Guitar Practice Megan L. Playing an instrument offers a lifetime of fun and learning! Children benefit greatly from musical education in both cognition and reasoning. These benefits carry over to school and achieving greater success in all areas, especially math. However, sometimes with children, getting them to do what is best for them is difficult. Here well offer some advice on the best approach to practicing guitar with your child to reduce potential stress and keep your child motivated. Start With the Basics To start with, its important to choose the right guitar for your child. There are many guitar sizes available to fit smaller bodies: 1/4 size, 1/2 size, and 3/4 size guitars are great for children four to eleven years, or full size for ages twelve and up. Its crucial to find an appropriate size, as playing a guitar which is too large can be painful for childrens hands and arms, leading to significant frustration. You also need the right guitar teacher   someone who will understand that children learn differently than adults, and that the lessons need to remain interesting and fun over time, and not just for the first lesson. A teacher who can consistently choose interesting yet challenging guitar songs for kids will motivate your child to love the guitar. A highly motivated child will be likely to succeed in the face of a less than wonderful teacher, but no one can be highly motivated all the time, so its important for the teacher to be engaged and consistent even when your child isnt. Motivate Your Child The largest hurdle you and your child will likely need to overcome is how to remain motivated in the face of sustained practice. There are ways you can support your child more effectively, and avoid the power struggles and stress that can easily take over. Avoid bribing your child by rewarding practices with other activities- such as TV- or with gifts, which can lead the child to believe that learning is only a means to an end, lacking its own inherent value. Also refrain from punishing a child who refuses to practice, as this leads to conflating practice with chores and duties. If  practicing  isnt interesting to your child its very important to understand why. Perhaps the materials need to change. For example, finding more suitable guitar songs for kids. Or, perhaps support is needed for difficulties, or your child is not getting enough feedback about the successes and progress they have made. Make efforts to understand and adapt, and you will surely find your child more willing to practice guitar. Timing and Length Children are typically less likely to be aware of the long term gains they reap from their efforts in any area. When the dream of becoming a famous guitarist falls away, more abstract benefits may fail to motivate a child who is struggling. Focus on validating and supporting your childs short term goals, while ensuring that the material your child is learning is appropriate. It is far less important to have  practiced  for a certain length of time than it is to have learned something in a certain amount of time. When your child is given homework from their teacher, focus on helping them achieve excellence in a small portion of that material at a time. For example, ask them to practice until they can play eight bars of a song perfectly three times. This method encourages the child to feel good about playing well, and not feel burdened by learning too much at once, or having to play long after they are bored. A practice session which begins with learning and ends with success is highly valuable. Shorter, more focused practices lead to a more confident child, and less struggle for parents. If your child practices a specific portion of their homework each day until you and they can see some progress, skill building will become natural and require far less struggle to achieve. Finding Great Guitar Songs for Kids Times have changed! Most children learning instruments today are going to be put off by having to blunder through Mary Had a Little Lamb before they can move on to modern popular songs. A teacher who can gear material to your childs interests and age is necessary if you want your child to be invested in their own learning. An instructors ability to find guitar songs for kids which are both relevant to your child and at the appropriate skill level is invaluable. Keeping a child focused over the years it takes to master an instrument can be challenging. Remember to begin well with the proper sized guitar and a compatible teacher. Keeping practices low-stress and focusing on achievements instead of time are solid ways to ensure success. Ready to start your childs musical journey? Find a great guitar teacher for your child today!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Gianni Sarti

Dont Go Breaking My Heart Cardiology on the MCAT

Don't Go Breaking My Heart Cardiology on the MCAT MCAT Medical School Admissions Cardiology is typically a favorite topic for most students. The heart is one of the most revered organs and the majority of students are taught baseline information about the heart during their primary school education. The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) also loves the cardiovascular system and often tests students’ knowledge of it in the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Additionally, this cardio knowledge will serve you well as a future medical student since cardiology tends to be one of the most difficult courses. This article will discuss the cardiology content on the MCAT, interdisciplinary connections for this content, as well as some tricks and tips on how to maximize cardiology questions in the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section on the MCAT. Tackle Basic Cardiac Anatomy First and foremost, a knowledge and understanding of basic cardiac anatomyis essential to doing well on these questions. While primary school may have taught you the four chambers of the heart, it is essential that you understand the flow of blood through the heart, systemic circulation, and the pulmonary circulation. Knowing where blood is oxygenated and deoxygenated and how it flows will serve you well in getting at least one cardiovascular question correct. It is also important to understand where valves are located, the fundamental differences between arteries and veins, and the layers found in the blood vessels. Additionally, understanding which sets of valves are associated with different heart sounds is a great way to build a foundation of your understanding for medical school.Khan Academyhas great introductory videos on the circulatory system. Integrate the Endocrine System The cardiovascular system ties very well into the endocrine system; the link between these systems is often tested on the MCAT and is vital to your foundation of knowledge in medical school. Atrial Natriuretic peptide is often examined since it has a direct link to heart activity, however the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAS) from your nephrology knowledge is also fair game since the renal system and cardiovascular system directly and indirectly impact each other. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and their hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine are high yield concepts to study and understand thoroughly. Erythropoietin, while classified under nephrology information is also an important hormone to understand since it directly impacts the number of red blood cells in the cardiovascular system and manifests itself in pathologies such as polycythemia vera and anemia. Hormones are often presented as retrieval questions or very simply tes ted since most students have limited exposure to endocrinology prior to medical school. Because of this, these are concepts that can prove to impact your MCAT score significantly. Check out MD Herofor a basic review of the endocrine hormones tested on the MCAT. Know Your Physics Another way the MCAT will examine your cardiovascular knowledge is throughlinking it to physics concepts. The cardiovascular system physiology has a strong basis in fluid mechanics and electrical circuits. This enables the AAMC to test these concepts in a way that is integrative, similar to how you will learn during your medical education. An understanding of Bernoulli’s equation and how it would apply to the arteries and veins as they change pressures and velocities throughout the body is remarkably helpful in retaining physics concepts and understanding why the circulatory system form and function change. For example, flow (Q) is equal to area (A) times velocity (v) is another commonly utilized equation when discussing cardiac physiology. This means that because the capillaries have the largest overall area in the body, they have a slower velocity allowing them to promote gas exchange in the lungs and the tissues. Whereas the larger arteries have a smaller area compared to the ca pillaries, so their velocity would be greater. Additionally, the MCAT often tests on the electrical physiology of the cardiovascular system and how it links to circuits, which will be covered in my next blog post. Grappling with these cardiology concepts early on in your medical education will serve you well as they are some of the most integrative and difficult concepts you will encounter during medical school. Spending the time to learn them now will serve to improve your MCAT score and give you a strong foundation of knowledge for your future patients. One of our professors always gently reminds us that no matter what your patient’s problem is, their cardiac health is almost always a consideration or factor in their care. Keep this in mind as motivation during your difficult days of studying; before you know it you’ll be in medical school studying these concepts at length and seeing patients with these conditions in real life. About the Author Jordan S. is a current medical student, and one of our most experienced MCAT tutors. Click here for more information.

English Word Stress and Pronunciation - Video

English Word Stress and Pronunciation - Video Ive been working with one of my students on pronunciation and I realize how difficult it can be in English. Firstly, English isnt phonetic which makes it difficult to learn from reading. You could have a really high reading level and a low speaking level. Secondly, English has different syllable stress pattern so, you could have two words: PREsent-noun (gift) or preSENT-verb (to give information to an audience).Ive been working with one of my students on pronunciation and I realize how difficult it can be in English. Firstly, English isnt phonetic which makes it difficult to learn from reading. You could have a really high reading level and a low speaking level. Secondly, English has different syllable stress pattern so, you could have two words: PREsent-noun (gift) or preSENT-verb (to give information to an audience).p style=color: #000000;Word stress is theb key/b to spoken English. English language learners who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, have two p roblems:/p ol style=color: #000000; liThey find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast./li liNative speakers may find it difficult to understand them./li/olp style=color: #000000;So with these complications how does an English language learner figure out pronunciation? Practice; both listening and speaking with a teacher that corrects you. A great way Ive found for my students is poetry and music because it is easier to imitate the rhythm. Also there are some rules that youll find in the video below./piframe src=// width=560 height=315 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen/iframe Watch this piece of spoken poetry about teaching, to hear English word stress clearly: iframe src=// width=420 height=315 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen/iframe 1. Those who can ___ and those who cant ________. 2. I decide to ____ my _____ instead of his. What does this mea n? 3. I mean youre a teacher Taylor, I mean ____ __ what do you make? 4. How dare you ____ my ____ with anything less. 5. What does he make parents do? 6. I make kids _____, I make them _______, I make them _____ I make them apologize and _____ it. 7. Which words will his students never misspell again? Here is a whole link from TED on spoken word. Listen to the rythmm, try saying it with them. Check out the rules below.

Overcoming homesickness while teaching abroad

Overcoming homesickness while teaching abroad That feeling of homesickness. Teachers abroad everywhere: we’ve all had it! While teaching abroad can be thrilling, it can also be incredibly challenging in a number of ways. Are you finding yourself feeling FOMO (fear of missing out) as you scroll through your Facebook news feed? Or even when you attempted to make your mom’s signature dish - and ended up setting the kitchen on fire? More often than not, homesickness takes root when we try to recreate home wherever we are. It's never going to be the same - but that’s a good thing! That’s why you chose to teach abroad in the first place, for a unique cultural experience and the chance to experience the adventure of a lifetime. That said, here are some quick ideas to help you curb those pangs of homesickness: Make time for your friends and family back home. Think about how lucky we are nowadays that no matter how many miles we’re apart, we can still have a conversation “face to face.” Thanks, Skype! Make time for new friends, too. This may mean finding a community of expats in your area or meeting teachers from all over the world through your job.No matter where your international teaching adventure has taken you, there are always others in a similar situation to you. Become a local. Experience the unique culture of your destination. Get to know people. Try the local cuisine and get to know your way around. Make a list of local places or activities and challenge yourself to do or see all of them within a month. While you might feel like a tourist at first, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll get to know your surroundings. You’ll be giving out directions in no time! Celebrate your cultural holidays. Holidays are usually when you will feel the most homesick. You don’t have to miss out on the action! Recreating the holidays in your new surroundings can be a tradition to share with your new friends. Celebrate new holidays! Embrace the unfamiliar, you may find yourself celebrating these new holidays for years to come. Get started on that travel bucket list. Teaching is a job structured with vacation time, so take advantage of this awesome perk! Plan an exotic trip or book an excursion for something you’ve always wanted to do. This will give you something fun to do and keep you focused on the next adventure where you are, rather than dwelling on what’s happening at home. Plan a trip from friends or family. Are your friends and family feeling envious of your new and exciting life? There’s nothing wrong with letting them know they’re welcome to come visit! Let them in on the fun too and play tour guide in your new home country. Ask them to bring some of your home comforts. When your friends or family are visiting, don’t forget to ask them to bring some of your favorite snacks. No one planning a visit anytime soon? Luckily, the mail still works. Remind yourself why you did this! Never lose sight of why you chose this path for yourself. Nothing breaks that feeling of homesickness quite like some good old-fashioned perspective. Thinking of heading abroad to teach? Apply to teach abroad at top international schools with Teach Away today!

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy From flikr, by John Oxton Natural selection and evolution is the clearest and best theory for the development of life and specifically humans. This can be seen greatly in the realm of sex and relationships. It touches everything from the origins of feminism, the phenomenon of violence by men against women, and the post-modern problem of disenfranchised emasculated men who blame society for their loss of masculinity. Thinking about these problems from the perspective of natural selection reveals the true origins of these behaviors. For example, women are the means by which humanity procreate. Without them, we would die off. It, in cold, unemotionally logical terms, makes sense to cultivate women as a resource and to fight over them for survival. Morally, it engendered an innate misogyny. It made men associate the amount of women and power over women with superiority and security, regardless of what the women themselves wanted as fellow human beings. Now, that system is gone, women are finally asserting themsel ves as able to do whatever they want to. Men in response overreact to this feminism by ostracizing them, demonizing them, and blaming them because it threatens their identity. It is a base reaction to a progressive solution. Men are still struggling with not being alpha males who need to protect women and kill for their food. The problem in our current patriarchy is that it was developed for survival. But in this current world, we don’t need it anymore! Survival has been rendered moot because of a variety of factors, from technology, morality, and increased civility. The struggle in men nowadays is between our innate aggression, developed over thousands of generations, and our desire to live by what is generally agreed upon to be a “good” life: freedom, equality, peace, love etc. The struggle between the animal in us and our, for lack of a better word, humanity is the core of specifically men’s psychological dilemma. Men need to realize and fight their violent urges. THAT is now the new male identity. Because it  doesnt  take a man to INDULGE in his fantasies, but it takes one to RESIST them.